
贝弗利波比芬利娱乐中心怎么样, 健身中心, 团体健身室, 完整的储物柜设施. 各种娱乐活动, 健康, 健身项目也在这些设施里举行, 还有校内运动. The 健身 center is equipped with cardio equipment 和 a strength 和 conditioning area.

喜欢/关注芬利 脸谱网, Instagram, 推特 for online tutorials, upcoming events, updates, 健康 tips to help you stay healthy.


A group of students posing in front of a basketball hoop in the 芬利娱乐中心


  • 周一至周五早上6点.m.–10 p.m.*
  • 周六-周日9点.m.–3 p.m.*

*节假日期间工作时间可能会减少. Please call the front desk at (207) 221-4349 for the most up-to-date hours.

The UNE community is welcome to utilize the facility during all operating hours. 每个人都必须使用他们的UNE身份证进入设施. 没有身份证的人不允许进入该设施.



Finley Rec has partnered with Salud Portl和 to offer new group exercise classes. 所有课程都是44-55分钟. 不需要报名,来就行了.


12 p.m.步行和跑步小组
5:15 p.m.Kettlebells
6:15 p.m.循环训练
12 p.m.步行和跑步小组
5:15 p.m.能源横档
6:15 p.m.力量瑜伽
6:30 a.m.能源横档
12 p.m.步行和跑步小组
5:15 p.m.自旋
6:15 p.m.普拉提垫上
6:30 a.m.普拉提垫上
12 p.m.步行和跑步小组
5:15 p.m.普拉提垫上
6:15 p.m.力量和核心
12 p.m.步行和跑步小组

Classes are subject to time changes, substitute instructors, cancellations. 取消演出只会在 芬利娱乐中心Instagram芬利娱乐中心脸谱网 账户.


我们提供个人培训课程, 健康评估, 设备方向, 健身训练计划, 还有营养和压力管理项目.


这个半小时的课程包括有氧运动的介绍, 力量训练, 还有健身中心的功能设备. If you are a beginner or unfamiliar with the equipment offered in the 健身 center, 你应该好好利用这项服务, 哪个是免费提供给所有健身中心的顾客的.


This hour-long appointment begins with a medical health history review 和 a current activity chart. 测试包括高度, 重量, 血压, O2sat, 身体质量指数, 静息心率, 体脂百分比, 周长测量, 腰臀比, 次最大有氧能力试验, 肌肉力量和耐力测试, 灵活性测试. Physician clearance may be required for you to participate in testing 和 any of the below services. 作为正规澳门赌场网络的学生或员工,这项服务是免费的.


个性化的一小时, one-on-one or small group training session with a Certified Personal Trainer is available to you. A Fitness Assessment is required prior to any personal training session. Sessions 和 training styles are individualized to fit your needs 和 interests. Appointments are available to students 和 employees 和 have limited availability.


This is an individualized 健身 program to assist you in reaching your 健身 goals. 你必须先在我们这里进行体能评估. This service is intended to assist students 和 employees in reaching their 健身 goals in a healthy 和 safe manner using an individually designed 健身 program. 作为正规澳门赌场网络的学生或员工,这项服务是免费的.

Take a Virtual Tour of Our Portl和 Campus Recreation 和 Fitness Facilities


芬利娱乐举办定期健身和健康活动, 包括团体运动课程, 研讨会, 校内的联盟, 献血活动, CPR课程, 户外活动, 每学期末还有一个减压项目.

你也可以参加学生奥运会, 校内的, the student 健身 challenge or join the Student 健康 Advisory Council or Outdoor Adventure Club.


This ongoing student challenge has designated periods of competition each semester. 你们竞相创造学期记录和全校记录. 如果你创下了学期记录, 你赢了一件t恤, 如果你创造了校园历史记录, we place your name on the oversized record board inside of the Fitness Center. 最重要的是,你赢得了吹嘘的权利. This competition includes an Academic Program Challenge where the program with the most participation wins prizes for each student who competes.

你可以参加的项目有14个, 包括卧压机, 英里运行, 蹲, 硬举, 4,千米接力行, 呼啦圈, 篮球罚球, 等.

For a complete list of events, visit the 芬利娱乐中心.


The 学生健身挑战 is a Portl和 Campus incentive program aimed at encouraging students to exercise 150 or more minutes per week. It is an interprofessional challenge as academic programs compete against one another for the duration of a semester for 芬利娱乐中心 swag such as apparel, 帽子, 毛巾, 和包. You are encouraged to self-report your weekly minutes spent exercising either at the Front Desk iPad or by using the form below.

所有参赛作品必须在上午9点前提交.m. 星期一(提交的作品须加盖时间戳). 逾期提交将不计入结果. The full program description 和 rules will be sent to UNE email addresses at the start of each semester’s challenge.

Current st和ings are posted on our Bulletin Board in the Fitness Center. 欲了解更多信息,请联系Colleen Lundgren.



A great opportunity to participate in friendly play to connect with other UNE individuals, 在一两项运动中磨练你的技能, 在做这件事的时候找点乐子. 团队在每周的会议或小型比赛中进行比赛. 校内活动在 格列佛球场(PDF).



The student-led Outdoor Adventure Club 和 the 芬利娱乐中心 co-sponsor trips such as white water rafting, 徒步旅行, 摇滚/冰攀爬, 和滑雪/滑雪. 你是户外运动的新手吗? 经常提供初级旅行.

Five students each holding a type of 重量 available in the 芬利娱乐中心
A student gives two thumbs up in front of a mountainside that another student is rock climbing
A row of students biking on stationary bikes during a Cycle for Life event


The mission of the Department of 健康 和 健康 Education 在芬利娱乐中心 is to promote 和 enhance the lives of its users through social, 物理, 健康活动. Its programming initiatives support the education 和 development of students, 教师, professional staff by promoting their optimal health 和 well-being. We provide opportunities 和 encouragement to our community to develop 和 practice health, 健康, 健身, recreational activities that become a part of a healthy lifestyle.


You are encouraged to apply for a variety of 领导 positions 在芬利娱乐中心. These positions complement your academic education by providing real-life skills in customer service, 领导, 提高技能组合, 和管理.


